Tuesday 3 March 2009

my kind of winter

It's been a warm winter. And hence, when mid Feb came and we were barely hitting below 3degC, I gave up hoping I'd wake up one day to find a snowy landscape outside my window like how it was last year.

So boy was I reeeally happy when last Friday, it snowed!! As Maj pointed out, it's like a "Friday treat". Though I woke up at 9 then and was making a dash to the office cause I was already soo very late, I was thankful for waking up late cause then I can enjoy the snow outdoors.

Then, the following day (Saturday), we went skiing. Hence, more lovely time with snow snow snow! =D

And then again, this evening, it snowed. Though it was mixed in with the rain, I'm still so very happy to see them make their graceful fall. I hopped my way back home and even lifted my face up to feel the snow on my face. haha. Snow-crazed, yes I am.

MMMMM!!!! my kind of winter. =D

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