Sunday 26 July 2009

100lbs to 200lbs

My neighbors who live on the unit in front of mine must think i'm hermetic. On the one and only occasion that one of them talked to me, she asked me if I live alone on my unit. And I replied a curt "yes". And I can see in her face the same question that I have for them - Why? She must have been wondering why I live alone. And for the life of me, I also wonder why the five of them live on a place that I think could fit in only three people. I don't think money's the problem, judging from the talk I hear from them.

And yes I can hear EVERY inane conversation they have, what they're watching on TV and what station in the radio they're listening to. That's cause their front door is open ALL the time. Don't get me wrong. I grew up in a house where the front door is open from sun-up to sundown. And I loved how the sunlight comes streaming in through the front door and how the fresh gentle breeze is such a refreshing treat especially on hot afternoons. But here in Manila, where the probable thing that would come streaming in your door if you keep it open is dust and ROBBERS, one would have to opt to have their doors shut all the time.

This afternoon, when I opened my door momentarily to hang my newly washed laundry near my front door, I can hear the prattle of my neighbors since as usual they have their door open. One of the girls complained that she knew of a soon-to-be-bride who was so picky in her requirements with her bridesmaids that they need to have the same hairstyle. And that if they're fat, they need to loose 100 to 200lbs. And for the life of me, my self-control wasn't able to stop myself from laughing out loud. They fell silent with that. And was still silent as I hurriedly went inside my room and locked it. Gosh they must have thought I ws crazy. But I don't really care. It was hilarious, and to think she talked like an expert. I weigh about 100lbs. And if I was required to loose it, then I would cease to exist.


  1. What kind of people are your neighbors? Students? Young people?

  2. hehe, they're professionals from what i hear =D
