Saturday 27 June 2009

reality hits deeper

Despite my hectic schedule, I took the time this afternoon to join JPhil Band's practice for the upcoming Beer Party. I was supposed to sing Duvet, but I won't be here anymore by that time. I'm thankful Edna is still here hence she can sing Duvet instead (the chords of that song is really impressive and a favorite of Emman, one of our guitarists). They had me sing the song earlier though, which was unexpected as I really just went there to hang out and listen to them for a few hours and then go around town running errands. But sing Duvet, I did. There was a part in the song that needs some belting out. And belt out I did. It-feels-so-good-to-sing! So I gave it my all. And the giving it all in singing released the emotions I've been keeping inside.

I would miss singing with the guitar accompaniment. It's much different and much better from singing on the karaoke.

Later on, I went to Yokohama via JR. It then reminded me of all the trips I had. Made me teary eyed. For a while, I was distracted from my emote sessions, as I shopped around (boy the queue in Zara's fitting room was loooong). But later on, after having dinner with Kitty at Afternoon Tea (such heavenly mango cake dessert they had for today!) and after she gave me a Care Bear Bestfriend, it was harder to keep the emotions within.

It's really gonna be hard saying goodbye.

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