Sunday 22 April 2007

My Abode

Having had seen the other accommodations, I couldn't really complain anymore with my dorm. Albeit lately, I've been considering it as like a beacon to me every time I go home and see it aglow in shades of brown and gold due to the lighting. It being new and pretty, one would just have to ignore the lack of cabinet and its apparent thin walls and partitions (i assume). You could actually hear talking and laughter at the other end of the wall, though you should have some powerful hearing aid to get to hear what they're talking about. But you could actually hear and sing along when some neighbor's belting her heart out. Which tells me to be careful in belting out, myself..hihihi...

This evening, I was cleaning my toilet (have separate bathroom and toilet) when I heard the sound of some trickling water. It sounds like someone urinating (pardon me) but it wasnt me and I thought it absurd if it's coming from the toilet directly above me - it sounded quite clear, you see. Then, much to my chagrin, I heard the flush of the toilet bowl above. Sniff sniff. With creased forehead, brows furrowed worryingly, I stared at the ceiling and imagined a horrifying scene of the ceiling caving in. Horrendous!!

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