Tuesday 14 March 2006


The whole day, i've been hearing someone calling my name behind my back.
It always has the same whispery voice,
always has the same urgency,
always has the same modulation.

And when I turn around,
there was always no one there but jonathan
who is nevertheless bent on whatever it was he was doing.
Anyways, the voice is that of a woman
so it couldn't be Jonathan if ever he would call me.

YIKES!might be my imaginary friend come to haunt me?hehe..

I feel so bloated now, constipated.
I try to recall what i ate
that could have triggered this stomach problem
but I can only remember eating mentos
before I started having this.
So bloated, i feel like gagging (pardon me..hehe).

Hopefully, I can go home early today and curl in bed and will for this stomachache to be gone.

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