Monday 4 May 2009

Mishima's Spring Snow

After yoga and shopping yesterday, I plan to stay in my hidey-hole for the remainder of the Golden Week and hibernate with (alternatively) Yukio Mishima's Spring Snow and Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love. My stomach muscles hurt a lot today, results from the strain they got from yesterday's yoga.

Anyways, to Spring Snow. I'm liking it actually. Though of course what i'm reading is the English translated version, it's so full of words; so heady with flowery words that I tend to read slowly so I can make a picture in my mind of what it was trying to portray. This book is so heavy, so welling of thoughts and ideas that I can't help but stop reading at one paragraph or another to mull about things, to reflect on what has been said in the book.

The book inspires in me a question though. This book is considered as one of the major novels of Japanese literature. And really, IF the author's characters in the book reflects the real thoughts of young men at that time, one would marvel at how deeply their 18 year olds think and philosophize at that time. Makes me think how mundane were my thoughts were at that age. haha.

Browsing about reviews of the Spring Snow in the internet led me to a site showing me that this book had a film adaptation last 2005 - and with Satoshi Tsumabuki on the lead role as Kiyoaki Matsugae! yay! haha. Gotta have a copy of that movie. =P

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