Friday, 7 October 2005

A Scary Ride

Though sometimes it feels exhilarating to see the clouds at eye level and look down on tall trees and high mountains, I still would rather ride a ship back home than ride a plane. With every take off, I always am afraid that any minute thereafter, some part of the plane would burst to flames or that there would be some engine trouble or that I would never set foot on solid ground again, much less be alive to set foot on solid ground again...

Morbid, yes, but there's just no stopping these thoughts with every plane ride I take. Sometimes, I catch myself praying to God to grant us safe travel and chant it over and over again, especially when I'm traveling alone...

My plane ride yesterday was the WORRRST I've ever had. I rode PAL actually, but I was thinking whether I was on board another airline and the line "You fly as Asians, you land as spirits" kept nagging at me...Big as the plane was, it shook as we passed cloud racks. With every dip and dive, I felt like I was riding a roller coaster, only that we weren't anchored on some structure but flying some 10,000 ft above ground!! As the plane plummeted and rose, I found myself exclaiming "Lord!"...

The Jap & Pinay couple sitting beside me was holding hands as well as the couple sitting across the isle. With no one to hold hands with, I just hugged myself. I glanced back at the couple across the isle and my fear was somewhat alleviated with a funny yet romantic thought that crossed my mind...I was thinking that perhaps, the guy and the girl were really strangers and that it was only their fear which prompted them to hold on to each other. Should this be the case, she's one lucky girl as the guy was a real cutie....=)

Anyways, I still am here now, blogging that experience so, you can say I landed an Asian still...hehehe...

Ahhh, it's soooo good to eat real and home made food and not some greasy stuff from a fast-food chain....=)

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