Sunday, 13 December 2009
Hans Rosling: Asia's rise -- how and when | Video on
Hans Rosling: Asia's rise -- how and when Video on
on dandelions and letting bygones be bygones
there wouldn't be goodbyes even. what is will just be blown to neverwhere just as a dandelion's seeds gets blown in the wind. and yet even as the dandelion's seeds floats in midair, it still is so beautiful; reminiscent of how beautiful it was when it was still whole.
the dandelion's meaning is "happiness and faithfulness". i associate this flower however, with wishes & heart's desire. albeit what with it's being whisked off with even the gentlest of breezes, there's something bittersweet with the flower. that with its fragility, everything can be blown off with the slightest of disturbance. But then again, there's something nice with it's being free enough to be blown by the wind and float in midair. there's happiness in there i think. and faith and trust in that wherever the seed may land, that's where it ought to be; that that's where you ought to be.
Friday, 11 December 2009
A cute Jap kid's cover on I'm Yours
(credit to uke3453 for uploading)
Saturday, 28 November 2009
my take on the books i've read lately
This long weekend though is such a welcome respite. And hence, hmm..let's see how's it goes for the books I've read lately.
Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book
This book must have garnered the most number of awards this year, with the distinguised Hugo Award, Newbery, Locus and Booktrust Awards to name a few. Released in September 2008, I've been wanting to get a copy of it for the most part of this year. Jonathan was thoughtful enough to buy me a copy when he bought a copy himself last October. And I loved the Graveyard Book as I knew I would. Albeit tired from work, the child in me made me turn one page after another in that it certainly took a huge amount of self-discipline to put the book down for the night so as I could go to sleep to prepare for tomorrow's work. The story was told from the vantage point of a child. And it did feel like it was being told by a kid. I had the same feeling when I was reading Lee Harper's "To Kill A Mockingbird". An attempt (storytelling from a kid's vantage point, written by a full-grown adult) where John Grisham failed in his "A Painted House". Although i'm such a yellowbelly when it comes to ghost stories, I had a great time following Bod in his adventures and misadventures. Contrary to what others said that it somehow didn't end quite right, I think the ending was just perfect; with just enough room for a hint of the book having a sequel, with more adventures for Bod. I so dearly wish there will really be more Bod adventures! And I certainly would want to hear more about Silas!!
Sidney Sheldon's Morning, Noon and Night
I loved Sheldon's books back when I was in High School and College, with "Windmills of the Gods" topping the list. Back then, I just can't get enough of the suspense and tension and that I always get the high when I guessed right who might just be the mastermind behind all the evil in the story. It was interesting to read as well how the characters are built, how nature and nurture made them the kind of persons they are. So basically, this novel was my first Sheldon read in about 8 years at least. However, I'm not really sure if this is among Sheldon's not-so-good books or that it was just me growing up and changing preferences but I found this book as shallow and predictable, with a lot of loopholes in between. Still though, I read it up to the last page and didn't think that it was a such a waste of my precious time - unlike what I felt when I was reading Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons" and "Da Vinci Code".
Neil Gaiman's MirrorMask
I'm a slow reader. It's cause I would rather take my time in savoring each scene, creating a mental picture of it, rather than devouring the book and reading it in haste. This graphic novel was really just very short and any fast reader could probably just read it in 30 minutes. I read it in almost two hours. But in those two hours, it seemed to me that I was like whisked off to dreamland, to a place where anything is possible, to a place where imagination is limitless and boundless. For me who's highly stressed, it afforded me a great escape.
I'm currently reading Ken Follet's Jackdaws, which is about some spy during world War II and a German Officer. Yes, I do read a wide variety of books. Let's see how this one goes...
Sunday, 22 November 2009
CNN's Hero of the Year - Efren Penaflorida
"Each person has a hidden hero within, you just have to look inside you and search it in your heart, and be the hero to the next one in need. So to each and every person inside in this theater and for those who are watching at home, the hero in you is waiting to be unleashed. Serve, serve well, serve others above yourself and be happy to serve. As I always tell to my co-volunteers ... you are the change that you dream as I am the change that I dream and collectively we are the change that this world needs to be."
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Salisbury Steak
Saturday, 14 November 2009
(much thanks to muoreh for uploading this on youtube)
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Red Ribbon
While waiting for my meal, I listened to my IPOD and people-watched outside the glass window. And then I saw Red Ribbon's banner. Under their popular Black Forest Cake, was the phrase:
...You brighten up my day...
Made me smile. IT did remind me of someone.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Fit for me?
But anyways, the lyrics is lovely!
The Man I Love
Someday he'll come along,
The man I love
And he'll be big and strong,
The man I loveAnd when he comes my way
I'll do my best to make him stay
He'll look at me and smile,
I'll understand
Then in a little while,
He'll take my hand
And though it seems absurd
I know we both won't say a word
Maybe I shall meet him Sunday,
Maybe Monday, maybe not
Still I'm sure to meet him one day
Maybe Tuesday will be my good news day
He'll build a little home,
That's meant for two
From which I'll never roam,
Who would, would you
And so all else above
I'm dreaming of the man I love
(credit to acceptantlove for uploading in youtube)
Friday, 6 November 2009
All I Want For Christmas Is You
(credit to snow102 for uploading)
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
2009 Blogger's Choice Award
My Vote for the 2009 Bloggers' Choice Award (Mindanao)
I vote for DavaoBase
Bloggers' Choice Award
2009 Philippine Blog Awards
Monday, 21 September 2009
Bikram Yoga
Now, I never am one for saunas. I couldn't really stay longer than 5 minutes in a sauna heated at 47degC, even if i'm just sitting there, trying to breath. Hence, the heat was my main problem. For the first 30min, I almost fainted five times! Almost, being, that state when there's a black cloud creeping its way in front of you. So, whenever that happens, and as advised by our instructor Tristan, I just drop whatever pose I'm in and just stand still or sit down and keep on breathing. The first time it happened, I thought I'd just remain seated for the rest of the 1 and half hour session. But seeing my 30+ classmates (yes, this by far is the largest class I've been in) magnificently stretching their muscles, I got up and worked out.
I was able to adjust with the heat later on though and when I did, it was just great! I think I must have sweated out a liter or more! Also (giggle), when I saw THIS GIRL's POSTURE HERE months ago, I thought I wouldn't be able to do it or that it would take me months of practice before I can attempt to do it. But lo, I was able to do it on my first try!! Was able to do it with my right foot on tiptoe, then later on left foot on tiptoe and then twice over as we had to repeat the poses twice. I was practically grinning to myself in front of the mirror in the classroom. =D
I just wish though they have a class here in Alabang...Makati is just so far for me who doesn't have her own car (yet hehe).
Sunday, 20 September 2009
food blogging
The site I've put up is still a free blog but hopefully soon, I can have wordpress host my domain, eliminate "wordpress" on the URL and hence have my own *.com at last. hehe.
It's still a work in progress though, but, do enjoy! =)
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Wrote this on my last weekend in Japan, when my heart feels constricted with how much i'll be missing the place and things/people I love. These were my thoughts as I was scaling the stairs leading to Yamate Church.
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Gotta Be Somebody
Click here for the video.
Gotta Be Somebody
This time I wonder what it feels like
To find the one in this life
The one we all dream of
But dreams just aren't enough
So I´ll be waiting for the real thing.
I'll know it by the feeling.
The moment when we´re meeting
will play out like a scene straight off the silver screen
So I`ll be holdin’ my own breath
Right up to the end
Until that moment when
I find the one that I'll spend forever with
`Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.
'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
There`s gotta be somebody for me like that.
'Cause nobody wants to do it on their own
And everyone wants to know they´re not alone.
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere.
There`s gotta be somebody for me out there.
Tonight, out on the street out in the moonlight
And dammit this feels too right
It´s just like Déjà Vu
Me standin’ here with you
So I´ll be holdin`my own breath
Could this be the end?
Is it that moment when
I find the one that I'll spend forever with?
‘Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
There´s gotta be somebody for me like that.
`Cause nobody wants to do it on their own
And everyone wants to know they´re not alone.
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There`s gotta be somebody for me out there.
You can´t give up!
Lookin´ for that diamond in the rough
You never know but when it shows up
Make sure you´re holdin` on
‘Cause it could be the one, the one you´re waiting on
‘Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
There has gotta be somebody for me
Nobody wants to do it on their own
And everyone wants to know they´re not alone.
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There`s gotta be somebody for me out there.
Nobody wants to be the last one there
'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There has gotta be somebody for me out there.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
The Time Traveller's Wife
Anyways, at first, the story-telling, the comings and goings of Henry were pretty ordinary and I found myself not involved with the book. Probably because I was preoccupied with other stuff as well. But as I read the other half, I couldn't help but be moved by their love story. And with how much Henry loved Clare. Leading you to think how many in this world and in this lifetime will you meet who loves the way Henry did Clare (and well, okay, vice versa).
Am looking forward to the movie which will premier come 3rd week of August - which means I may get to watch it in Davao since I will still be on my vacation then. I hope the movie won't be butchered like Harry Potter 6, though.
Thanks Zoey for giving me this book! =)
And such a good copy at that hehe.
Saturday, 1 August 2009
You First Believed
You First Believed
How many times did I pray
You'd find me
How many wishes on a star
Gazing off into the dark
Dreaming I'd see your face
Safe at home unafraid
Captured in your embrace
So many times
When my heart was broken
Visions of you
Would keep me strong
You were with me all along
Guiding my every step
You are all that I am
And I'll never forget
It was you who first believed
In all that I was made to be
It was you looking in my eyes
You held my hand
And showed me life
And I've never been the same
Since you first believed
There were times
When I'd thought I'd lost you
Fearing forever was a dream
But it wasn't what it seemed
Placing your hand in mine
You could see in the dark
You were guiding my heart
It was you who first believed
In all that I was made to be
It was you looking in my eyes
You held my hand
And you showed me life
And I've never been the same
Since you first believed
Sunday, 26 July 2009
100lbs to 200lbs
And yes I can hear EVERY inane conversation they have, what they're watching on TV and what station in the radio they're listening to. That's cause their front door is open ALL the time. Don't get me wrong. I grew up in a house where the front door is open from sun-up to sundown. And I loved how the sunlight comes streaming in through the front door and how the fresh gentle breeze is such a refreshing treat especially on hot afternoons. But here in Manila, where the probable thing that would come streaming in your door if you keep it open is dust and ROBBERS, one would have to opt to have their doors shut all the time.
This afternoon, when I opened my door momentarily to hang my newly washed laundry near my front door, I can hear the prattle of my neighbors since as usual they have their door open. One of the girls complained that she knew of a soon-to-be-bride who was so picky in her requirements with her bridesmaids that they need to have the same hairstyle. And that if they're fat, they need to loose 100 to 200lbs. And for the life of me, my self-control wasn't able to stop myself from laughing out loud. They fell silent with that. And was still silent as I hurriedly went inside my room and locked it. Gosh they must have thought I ws crazy. But I don't really care. It was hilarious, and to think she talked like an expert. I weigh about 100lbs. And if I was required to loose it, then I would cease to exist.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Eleven Minutes
But anyways, to Eleven Minutes. I've heard of this probably some 5 years ago already. Although I liked Paolo Coelho's books, I was't interested with this one since I was told that it was about a very sensitive topic - about a prostitute and about sex. I felt that I wasn't ready nor was in the mood for this. The other night, while i got started in organizing files in my laptop, I saw the book and decided to give it a try. Not that I feel i'm ready now but that I remembered how friends and favorite persons really recommended this book that I decided to take a look at it.
And I was hooked. Indeed it talked about a prostitute. But an intellectual prostitute at that with thoughts that provoked you to think and rationalize as well. And surprisingly, I found myself immensely liking this book that talked about loneliness and the search for love and finding it, all set in the plot of prostitution and sex trade. I liked it so much that I finished reading the book in 24 hours, when I should have been resting because of my colds. No discipline I know. hehe.
Disclaimer though: I think this book should be read by an adult that has an open mind. =D
Monday, 6 July 2009
a happy news at last
But I know I am blessed with kind and good friends ^^. Thankfully, J and D lives nearby and they were kind enough to have me stay in their pad last night. When we woke up this morning, J told me that the owners were cleaning out the room two doors up. We checked it and voila, I fell in love with it. Tatay, the owner-parent said the place was vacant. Wonderful! So right there and then I said I'll take the place. The apartment has no room for a car's parking space though but for now, having a car is soooo far off my mind. I just need a SECURE place, a place where I can sleep soundly and peacefully. And well, a CLEAN place at that. Little did Tatay know that his son had already agreed to show the pad to two prospective tenants that very noon. So see, I am really blessed and lucky to have been able to talk to Tatay and not to the son cause then, I was able to have the place for myself. ^^
It was like everything just fell into place. Our apartment being broken into (attempted, that is). My sleeping over at J&D. And the apartment next door being vacant. And me talking to Tatay and not to the son. It all fell into place. A happy thing isn't it?
I wanted to personally discuss my moving out of the apartment with my roomies. But I need to tell them of the frightening experience I had last Friday ASAP so we just talked on the phone. I hope though that they understand....Really, I don't think I can take living in our old place alone again.
But nevertheless, I now have a new apartment and it's gonna be a busy busy week with the moving out and moving in. And oh yeah, J & D are still my hosts this evening hehe. D is actually sleeping on a hammock outside their room. And i'm even leeching on D's internet. hehe. Such a nice couple, they are. And i'm really lucky they're nearby! =D
Anyways, tomorrow's gonna be the first day at the office. First official office day in Manila after almost four years. Ganbarre to me!
Saturday, 4 July 2009
But I had a sleepless night last night. I am all alone in our two-bedroom, two-storey apartment. I couldn't sleep because everytime I hear a footstep or a bang of the door, I would jump and my heart would be hammering in my chest that I could almost hear the palpitations. I thought of my unpacked baggage on our living room - my other suitcase containing all my electronic gadgets (thankfully my laptop is with me in my room) and my other bigger luggage containing all my clothes, and yet another suitcase containing all my shoes. If somebody breaks in, it would be easy for him to haul it since they are still intact in its respective suitcase. I still haven't unpacked since I'm still clearing and cleaning my room and cabinets.
I thought I was just being paranoid. But when I went outside, my kindly neighbor told me that he did see a robber trying to break into our house last night.
I am scared. Truly scared now.
Friday, 3 July 2009
icky slug
Slowly, i'm making some slight progress in making our apartment more habitable. I've wiped some parts of the walls that's either been blackened or browned by dust and cobwebs. The sink is a bit better though it's still far from being A-okay. The bathroom..well..this place is the one place in a house that I am most meticulous of; it-should-be-clean. But I can't clean it because of this one TINY thing on it.
There's a slug on our bathroom.
Friends advise that I could dissolve it with rock salt and poke it with a long stick to put it on the trash bag. But...~shiver~...just the thought of even the end of my stick touching the slimy body of the slug...uggghhh!! IT gives me the chills, the goosebumps, raising the hairs on my body. I'm so totally grossed out that i'm freaking out with this slug. ~shiver~
I just might have to ask my housemates to dispose of this slug. But they went to their hometowns for the weekend. So it's just me and the slug alone on the house for the weekend. Eeeekkk!!! Really, I think i'll go mindless just thinking of the icky, yucky, goooey, slimy slug.
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
back in manila
My room's a mess and i'd probably be spending most of tomorrow cleaning, throwing old stuff i've left behind, and buying myself new things to get by. I'm trying not to think too much of how I miss Japan and how I want to be there. For one thing, I miss my clean room - a far cry from my room now. But anyways, i'm here now so I just have to make the most of things and try to be just as bubbly as always.
Okay, enough blogging now. First, get a new mobile phone number and then inquire about internet connection.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
reality hits deeper
I would miss singing with the guitar accompaniment. It's much different and much better from singing on the karaoke.
Later on, I went to Yokohama via JR. It then reminded me of all the trips I had. Made me teary eyed. For a while, I was distracted from my emote sessions, as I shopped around (boy the queue in Zara's fitting room was loooong). But later on, after having dinner with Kitty at Afternoon Tea (such heavenly mango cake dessert they had for today!) and after she gave me a Care Bear Bestfriend, it was harder to keep the emotions within.
It's really gonna be hard saying goodbye.
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Giving You the Best That I've Got
Giving You The Best That I Got
Ain't there something I can give you
In exchange for everything you give to me
Read my mind and make me feel just fine
When I think my peace of mind is out
Of reach
The scales are sometimes unbalanced
And you bear the weight of all that has to be
I hope you see that you can lean on me
And together we can calm a stormy sea
We love so strong and so unselfishly
And I tell you now that I made a vow
I'm giving you the best that I got, baby
Yes I tell you now, that I made a vow
I'm giving you the best that I got, honey
Everybody's got opinions
'Bout the way they think our story's gonna end
Some folks feel it's just a superficial thrill
Everybody's gonna have to think again
We love so strong and so unselfishly
They don't bother me so I'm gonna keep on
Giving you the best that I got, baby
They don't bother me, said I'm gonna keep on
Giving you the best that I got, listen baby
Somebody understands me
Somebody gave his heart to me
I stumbled my whole life long
Always on my own, now I'm home
My weary mind is rested
And I feel as if my home is in your arms
Fears are all gone,
I like the sound of your song
And I think I want to sing it forever
We love so strong and so unselfishly
And I made a vow so I tell you now
I'm giving you the best that I got, baby
I bet everything on my wedding ring
I'm giving you the best that I got,
Givin' it to you baby
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Missed fun, bugs and success stories
But lo, I woke up at 9:30am to a doorbell. I looked at the little screen showing whoever is at my front door but as I was still groggy from sleep, I didn't recognize who was at the door and just ignored the call as I thought it was just the usual weekend Jehovah's Witnesses callers. Went back to bed. Then with a jolt I remembered I was supposed to wake up early today. Then I realized it was Dougie who rang my doorbell. I checked my screen but he was gone already. Checked my phone, no call from Kitty. Turned on my laptop, and sure enough there were offline Y!M messages and on Facebook as well from should-have-been-frolicking companions. How to catch up with them? Sigh...I just might as well try to make my day as productive as I can.
I planned to get started with my packing and do my laundry. But I read "The Time Traveller's Wife" instead and had a looong nap. So no packing there. Huff.
Still groggy from my nap (this at 5:30pm), I went to my bathroom to wash my face. When I went back my bedroom cum living room, I yelped and did a tiny shriek when I saw a tiny roach lying on its back on my wooden floor. Apparently very dead. How it came about though, I have no idea. ~Shiver~ There might be other roaches lurking in other corners of my room...~Shiver~
Anyways, watched this short video from TED. Need to remind myself time and again of the formula. ^^
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Electronic cigarette smoking, anyone?
But later on, when my seatmate, who was not a smoker took a puff, I asked him how it was. He then led me to our colleague's desk and together, they convinced me to try and take a puff. Told me it was safe as there's no carcinogen on it. Curiosity got the better of me so puff I did. It was awkward, having a cigarette-like stick on my mouth. When I didn't feel anything, I puffed a long one. Until I instantly felt some smoke on my lungs. Drat I can still even feel the smoke up to now, some 6 hours later, wuhuhu. It was sweet though. But most of the afternoon, I feel drugged, on a high. So that's how smokers feel...Won't be on it though. My throat doesn't feel well now.
Anyways, E-cigarettes are the latest addition to smokers' alternatives when they can't smoke on public places. It has a scent that similar to tobacco flavor and contains only water, nicotine and propylene glycol which the FDA deems safe. Supposedly electronic cigarettes doesn't contain cancer-causing agents. Check this out. And oopps, didn't know one still have to exhale the vapors. No wonder I feel bad up to now. I kept it all in! yikes! And still, it's not for people under 18, and not for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Yikes!
A curious experience. Especially one taken right in the office, where cigarette smoking is banned, in front of colleagues and the department manager at that!
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Spring out, Time Travel in
Hoh well. It was interesting, the ideas and rationalizations at least. And i'm glad this book is finally finished. Read this back to back with Eat Pray Love (Kitty's "happy thing" for me on my 29th birthday) just so there'll be some diversity (?). Took some 7 weeks for me to finish this, haha! Three weeks overdue on my deadline for returning to Noge Library. heh!
I'm looking forward to The Time Traveller's Wife now. =D
Sunday, 31 May 2009
beer party song
But my chest's a bit constricted with the thought that I might not be able to perform this time as I'll be heading back to Manila by the end of June. But me and my bandmates are so hoping I'd still get extended somehow so I can perform with them.
We've prepared a song for me though and I'm gonna be singing Boa's Duvet.
(thanks to technetium01 for the youtube upload)
Heard Carolyn Dawn Johnson's Complicated this evening in Accuradio though and I wanted to sing this one instead. hehe
(thanks to MusictoFans for the youtube upload)
We'll be singing "Dancing Queen" as well as our grand finale with us three girls in the band taking the lead.
Hope hope hope.
Anyways, sleep time for now!
Saturday, 30 May 2009
My First Jap Crush

Toshiya Fuji played as Gaku Hoshikawa, the eldest of the 5 siblings in Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman (Earth Squadron Fiveman). Love his Kendo scenes. He was supposed to be 27 years old in the series. 27....
Thursday, 28 May 2009
one of my shower caps
my beloved dishwashing sponge ^^
Saturday, 16 May 2009
And that floored me really. Woke me up. Whatever happened to that shy Marj who asked for an orange juice on her first dinner with team members on her first assignment on Japan? Whatever happened to the Marj who chose Calpis over wine during her farewell dinner on her boss' house during her first assignment?
I shouldn't worry though. I will just have to think of it as a "sign of progress". And I hope it is. ^^
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Jose Abreu and his El Sistema
Was moved with this. Both by what he was saying and by how he said it. Makes you think of your own dreams...and if any of those dreams can make this place a better world.
For more vids, see
Thanks to Kat for sharing the website.
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Monday, 4 May 2009
Mishima's Spring Snow
Anyways, to Spring Snow. I'm liking it actually. Though of course what i'm reading is the English translated version, it's so full of words; so heady with flowery words that I tend to read slowly so I can make a picture in my mind of what it was trying to portray. This book is so heavy, so welling of thoughts and ideas that I can't help but stop reading at one paragraph or another to mull about things, to reflect on what has been said in the book.
The book inspires in me a question though. This book is considered as one of the major novels of Japanese literature. And really, IF the author's characters in the book reflects the real thoughts of young men at that time, one would marvel at how deeply their 18 year olds think and philosophize at that time. Makes me think how mundane were my thoughts were at that age. haha.
Browsing about reviews of the Spring Snow in the internet led me to a site showing me that this book had a film adaptation last 2005 - and with Satoshi Tsumabuki on the lead role as Kiyoaki Matsugae! yay! haha. Gotta have a copy of that movie. =P
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Plum Garden Ume Tsubaki
Having had acquired the taste for Plum wines, the Plum Garden Ume Tsubaki, was heaven for me; what with their 100 different types of Ume Shu. They have this special list as well where the top 10 choices were listed, showing the alcohol base, it's alcohol percentage and it's sweetness. And, should you feel that you're not in the mood for Ume, you can choose a number of different drinks in their selection as well - shikuwasa, peach cocktail and even your good ol' oolong tea and orange juice.
And it's not just their wide selection of Ume Shu they can boast of. Their menu is mouth watering as well, with some selections that are native in Okinawa like Goya Champuru.
This one, I like as well. Raw salmon meat, salmon roe and avocado placed delicately on top of Japanese rice with mayonnaise on it - uhhmm! yummy!
One other nice thing about this place is that you get to have a 30% off if you get in the resto before 7pm on a weekday. You just need to bring with you a print out of their discount ticket which you can readily get from the internet. Nice!
Plum Garden Ume Tsubaki
3-5min walk from Yokohama Station
Thursday, 16 April 2009
During our team's milestone party, Kayo-chan suggested the location for our 1st party and she took us to an Okinawan restaurant. And yeah, she originally came from Okinawa. She suggested cocktails for me and as alcoholic as I am, I liked what she ordered for me - it's sweet yet gives you the kick you just need at parties. It was made of shikuwasa, a citrus fruit which tastes like (and I have a feeling looks like a small) dalandan.
Yesterday, we got to talk on the ladies' toilet and she told me that her mother sent her a liqueur made of shikuwasa. As her mother sent her four , she's sharing one bottle with me. Really nice and thoughtful. It made me thoughtful though that I really am already tagged in our team as a hard drinker. haha
Haha, love the girly packaging print. Loved the girl's shoes as well (I currently have two pairs of shoes with the same style and I still can't get enough of them).
I was planning to toast this with Kitty tomorrow. But felt like drinking a shot now, so there. And it's nice!. The 12% alcohol instantly had an effect on me though. So I better sleep now if I want to be at 9 in the office tomorrow.
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Beck Breakfast
After a few stretches, I took a leisurely shower, took my time in dressing up and was already out my door by 7:05.
Usually, when I walk to the office, I have my IPOD on. But this time, I listened to the birds' chirping. The rain last night quenched the tired-looking streets and hence everything looked so fresh - from the wet pavement to newly grown leaves to the heartbreakingly blue sky.
I went out my door early with only one intent in mind - to have that Set B breakfast at Beck's Coffee shop again. =D. The nearest one is in Kannai. In front of JR station. Haha! This is so waaay out of my way but I still decided to go as it's not often that I am this alert in the morning. It's almost like I'm excited to get the day started. Even if I had already submitted my last major work to my boss yesterday and hence means I might spend the day pretending that I'm doing something.
I don't know how they still manage to earn from it but Beck;s Set B breakfast meal really is as balanced as it claims; and mighty cheap at that! With 500 yen, you already have a couple slices of bread toasted in delicious butter, scrambled egg, bacon, a glass of that Jap veggie drink (which consists mainly of carrots, orange, tomato, apple and some other 40 leafy/non-leafy vegetables and fruits) which I've taken a liking to during this stint, and another cup/glass of drink of your own choice. I had cafe latte of course (had to take some time off royal milk tea). And oh yeah, you also have a big helping of yogurt topped with dried fruits - which honestly is my favorite in the set; to think that I basically don't like yogurts...those dried fruits..ahhh yum!
So really how much do they actually earn with this set? Or probably the Japanese government is sponsoring these breakfast sets as a sort of incentive for waking up early. Yeah, I know. That is absurd. But still!
I initially planned to read/write while devouring my breakfast but thought otherwise. Nanamnamin ko muna breakfast ko.
Ahhh. Lovely.
8:10 na! Time to go to office!
Monday, 13 April 2009
Lionel Richie's "Just Go"
kulang na lang, papaypayan ka whilst sipping a cold cocktail on the beachfront.
Just Go
(Lionel Richie)
It’d be so nice (nice nice)
If you didn’t have to feel so lonely
It’d be so nice (nice nice)
If I could sneak you for a moment
I know you like to get away, go away, far away
To a place where there’s just us two
Got a busy day, everyday but not today
Cause I’m here to take that stress from you
So you can just chill and clear your head
And let me do everything for you cause you deserve it
Prepare your meal and make your bed
Well let just first make this with you
cause you are so worth it
I just want us to go go go
Drop everything and just go go go
I just want us to go go go
Drop everything and just go go go
(Lionel Richie)
How would you like to sail away in the Bahamas?
(Just you and me, girl)S
o far out in the sea where nobody can find you
(Just the end of the world)
Cause there is no rush for you to come back
and face the rain
Cause there is plenty sunshine where I pickin’ you
And I’m here to reduce the pain
I know you like to get away, go away, far away
To a place where there’s just us two
Got a busy day, everyday but not today
Cause I’m Here to take that stress from you
So you can just chill and clear your head
And let me do everything for you cause you deserve it
Prepare your meal and make your bed
Well let just first make this with you cause you are so worth it
I just want us to go go go
Drop everything and just go go go
I just want us to go go go
Drop everything and just go go go
(Lionel Richie)
Just imagine when you tired and
Layin’ by my side and
Sippin’ on some wine while I stand in massage and
Releasin’ all your tension I couldn’t handle a time and
My job is to keep my baby smilin’
So you can just chill
And clear your head
And let me do everything for you cause you deserve it
Prepare your meal and make your bed
Well let just first make this with you cause you are so worth it
I just want us to go go go
Drop everything and just go go go
I just want us to go go go
Drop everything and just go go go
I just want us to go go go
Drop everything and just go go go
I just want us to go go go
Drop everything and just go go go
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Spring-y days
Aside from a taxi mishap on our way to the park (where I almost puked on the pizza that was sitting on my lap as the taxi driver zigzagged and sped-away to make up for his mistake), it was a fun afternoon. Of course, the culmination of it was us shopping in World Porters (where, yet again, I got mugged. haha) and dinner at "To the Herbs".
Next stop was Mitsuike Park in Tsurumi which is considered as one of the 100 best hanami spots in Japan and the only one found in Yokohama.
However, the first thing that would remind me of Mitsuike though is that we just ate a LOT there. haha. I actually ate 2 hotdogs as we took our rest there. Or was it three? haha.
Tuesday was O-Hanami with my teammates in my current project. We had our mat laid under the shade of the sakura trees which had a very nice view of the Yokohama Bay. Spectacular, it was.
Lunchbreaks this week was also mini-sakura sightseeing as Kitty and I walk around Sakura-dori after eating our lunch outdoors.
And by the by, the street just right before rounding the corner to my apartment is a sight to behold nowadays.
And so I say, who wouldn't ever fall with these??
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Cirque du Soleil's Zed
November 2008.
April 3, 2009.
April 5, 2009.
Check out their video gallery for the gala premiere
Saturday, 4 April 2009
seize the day!
It was actually not all bed of roses. There were disappointments and a couple of stuff that broke my heart. But then I guess it just boils down into counting the happy things that came your way....
First off, I finally had a booking for two to Cirque du Soliel's Zed Show next saturday!! Thanks to Taisuke for taking the trouble of booking for me (took him one hour, yikes! plus the time it took him to accompany me to the konbini to pay for my tickets).
Had a very nice dinner with Kitty as well at Ottoya.
Last Tuesday, during our team's milestone party a.k.a drinking spree, I recommended O. Henry's The Last Leaf to Taisuke. And this evening, whilst walking home, I recounted to Kitty the story of the last leaf - one of my favorite short stories of all time.
Heard of it first from a song when I was in elementary and I cried at that time. Then when I read it again during high school, I cried buckets. And even earlier, when I was recounting it to Kitty, I couldn't stop the tears from pouring. And then just now, wanting to be certain I recounted the right story, I looked it up the internet. And sure enough, as I read the story, I was crying buckets again. bwahahaha.
Gotta sleep for now. For tomorrow, we'll be seizing all the chance we can get with the sakura season as well. =D
Thursday, 2 April 2009
odd case
To quote Gilbert, "I'm wary of the danger that if I drift about this world randomly for too long, I may someday become The Family Flake". An oddball.
I feel like my heart is bleeding with the thought of leaving Japan in a month. And even now, when there's still 26 days left, I am sad already. Chastised myself earlier though. As, by focusing on the sad part, you would get to miss the little happy moments in those precious 26 days.
So earlier this morning, I decided to seize the day and make the most of what I still have left.
But still, I know I wasn't able to.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
wants and loves
Second off, I need new pants. My size 0 GAP pants is loose already; suffice it to say that ALL of my office slacks needs to be overhauled. I've been having breathing problems, some shortness of breath, whenever I eat more than usual hence I've been cutting rice intake. The feeling's great (!!) albeit I didn't realize that I'd be needing to buy some new wardrobe.
Third off (this is what you get when you're a chickadora and you get to spend the whole afternoon, walking around town, ALONE), I think i'm fast becoming a semi-vegitarian. When I entered my suki meat shop (Kind's Meat) in Bando, my nose crinkled at the smell of raw meat; almost making me gag. I had to hurry buy my ration for the week and go out the door before i do gag. What I read in Eat, Pray, Love didn't help as well - "Eating meat is eating the fear of the animal on the moment of its death". So goodluck to me later on with my Adobo dinner.
So, to real business.
I never am one to plan ahead. I tried planning time and again and yet, almost always, something else happens to thwart me from my plans. And usually, that something is so much better than what I had anticipated. And so I choose to just be caught with the moment, and decide later on on my course of action when the moment forces me to decide. Well of course having this kind of attitude had put me in tight spots a number of times already. But once I get past the tight spots, the experience gets more exhilirating, more memorable. It's sort of like smelling the flowers while you walk about the garden. Enjoying the moment. Basking in in the present.
But don't get me wrong, time and again, I do feel the need and praticality of planning. With planning, you get to know where you're heading and what you need to do to get to where you want to go (not just in short trips but life in general). Hence, when the situation calls for it, I do plan.
My RFA will be up come end of April and every now and then, I thought of what I want to do should I get to be extended or if they decided to let me rest for a bit and have me packing my stuff for Manila.
Wants. On that field, I have a lot though. I have lots of it that I utter one of it almost every hour of my waking day (or even in my dreams haha). Some shallow, some so deep and so deeply ingrained that I can almost feel it oozing out of every pore of my body. For those wants (I'd call it heart's desires), I rarely share it for fear of spoiling it the moment I utter a word of it. There are times though when I wanted to shout these desires to the world; so then the world could conspire in making this desire come to fruition.
(whew, this blog's taking quite so long!) And here, i'm gonna share some of those shallow ones...
1. I want to learn a new language.
So then, what language?
French is the one language that I have often considered as like music to the ears. And I would love to learn it to feel its velvety texture on my lips, on my tongue, as I utter the musical notes, myself.
But France is not the one place that I'd like to go to. It's one of the places I want to go to but certainly not the first one.
I want to go to Italy. Really really really want to go to this place that I can almost feel the desire oozing out of me and smell it in my sweat. haha.
So I want to learn Italian. For starters, I just borrowed "Italian for Beginners" from the Noge Library this afternoon. Let's see how it develops...
2. I want to learn to cook gourmet food. But first, I have to have a big kitchen to work on. But then again, if you really want to learn, small kitchens wouldn't be a hindrance.
3. I want to learn how to bake. There's lots of stuff/gadgets available in 100yen...
4. I want to learn how to drive.
5. I want to go practice bikram yoga and go to the yoga center driving my own car. And then have some relaxing tea after, with a book at hand.
6. I want to take some time off from work and really work on doing something new; something pleasurable.
I want, I want, I want. This and more....
Saturday, 14 March 2009
As I walked my way home in the rain earlier, with a cup of Tully's Cafe Mocha (supposedly their couples special for Valentine's-White Day), I thought of things of old, things of new, things of yet to come. It was already 8:30pm but I still can't decide whether I'll eat, much less where to eat. I thought of not eating but my stomach seems to have a different opinion. Hence when the train got to Bandobashi, I just decided to buy Oden (quick bites dipped for some time already in some special steaming stew available in any konbini).
But I met some friends and colleagues on the station who was heading to the same apartment as I am and we chatted animatedly on our way home about the status of projects in our company that I totally forgot to drop by at the konbini. When we started to part ways, it was then that I remembered that i'm going home to my pad without food in tow. No dinner yet at 930pm. They were so gracious to invite me to join them though. And surprisingly, despite the current mood I was in, still, I had a great time. And had a (at least) brief respite from troubling thoughts that I've been having.
The whole day, despite the numbing pain in my abdomen, I have to have a clear mind to address issues at work. Half of me wants to complain about work but half of me chastices the other half for wanting to complain. Haha, a split personality indeed.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
last year in the twenties
March 6 dawned gray and dreary, with the kind of rain that would make you want to stay in your bed. But still, I walked with a light step, greeted the rain with a smile and a mantra - i'll take this rain as a blessing...
To be honest, it actually took some effort not to be sad, at the start. From the start of the week, i've been feeling hermetical and socializing took some amount of energy. For a couple of hours last wednesday, i perkep up a bit with the karaoke with people from the office. Bevs' blooper was such a blessing really that it pulled me out from feeling anti-social.
When my day came though, there was a big part of me that wanted to stay at home. But then again, I bounced off my bed and told myself that there's only one day in the year which i can consider as MY day thus I should not ruin it by feeling dejected and lonely.
Generally, it was a good day. Though the stress at work was still manageable, bothersome people-who-think-my world-revolves-around-them made it more stressful. But then again, getting stressed by them just proves them they're right hence, I didn't pay them any more attention than what was necessary. After all, I have a life to live. This makes me think though that I wish I could someday say this to their face - "get a life! and stop bugging me."
Had the traditional lunch at Hardrock as well with some friends and collegueas in Process and Piping which was arranged by Gali (so nice of him). Along with the renovation, HR have also changed their cake and memorabilias; one of which was a VERY big keychain with your picture on it. haha.
Was really thankful for Kitty's sweet deed - delivering flowers to my desk. =)
Hehe, you may find me weird but that has been one of my secret wishes. hahaha. Anyways, with that, people knew it was my birthday, greeted me and gave me sweets that by late afternoon, i already had a toothache from all the sweets I had. Sano and Tae-chan gave me a cake as well. So thoughtful! I laughed when Kitty told me that Sano was so bold as to talk to Kat to confirm it was my birthday even when they don't know each other.
To top the special day, Kat and I had a special dinner at a (surprisingly) fine dining resto in Yokohama. Good food, good food. Afterwhich, we headed off to my place, for oden, cheese snacks and liters of Plum Wine to set the mood of our chikahan.
So really, it was a good birthday. Really thankful for Kitty for helping me keep myself from feeling dejected on my birthday =D.
The following day, (7), was a fun day of girl talk and food binge.
Maj, Zoey, Kitty and I were supposed to meet at 1145 in Hiroo Station for a birthday lunch at Cicada (Zoey's a birthday-mate). But I woke up late and got lost in Shibuya (although I've been there nearly every week already) that I only arrived at Cicada at 1am, harassed and very hungry.
Cicada was yummy as always and still the favorite. *_* The couch at Starbucks was also very relaxing that we hanged out there for hours and hours. Afterwhich, we explored Ebisu and then the Ebisu Garden Place where Domyugi waited for Makino in the drama Hana Yori Dango. Had dinner there as well but the food in the resto we chose was so lousy I lost my appetite - even up to now. haha. Which is a good thing na din as I am on a diet. hehehehe..
Thursday, 5 March 2009
And between the clashing of wills with a colleague at the office and some personal issues to contend with, I just feel like that since the start of the week - so unbirthday.
This evening though, I checked what the word really means and Wikipedia says "An unbirthday (originally written un-birthday) is an event that can be celebrated on any day that is not the person's birthday. It is a neologism coined in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass, giving rise to the song "A Very Merry Unbirthday to You" in the 1951 Disney animated feature film Alice in Wonderland."
And funny how today, it was applicable to me as well haha.
Bevs mistook my birthday for today and hence, early morning, she sent a reeeally cute email greetings on the email with the whole Process Department on carbon-copy. And the greetings just kept on pouring thereon..even from those who knew my birthday. haha.
The mistake was a blessing in disguise actually. It perked me up...tons. =D
So there, it was a very merry unbirthday for me today. haha.
Anyways, A Very Merry Unbirthday to You!!
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
my kind of winter
So boy was I reeeally happy when last Friday, it snowed!! As Maj pointed out, it's like a "Friday treat". Though I woke up at 9 then and was making a dash to the office cause I was already soo very late, I was thankful for waking up late cause then I can enjoy the snow outdoors.
Then, the following day (Saturday), we went skiing. Hence, more lovely time with snow snow snow! =D
And then again, this evening, it snowed. Though it was mixed in with the rain, I'm still so very happy to see them make their graceful fall. I hopped my way back home and even lifted my face up to feel the snow on my face. haha. Snow-crazed, yes I am.
MMMMM!!!! my kind of winter. =D
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
a different kind of monday
The dude is just sooo cool!
He started off with "Make It Mine", then off to "The Remedy" where he let the audience sing a couple of lines, then "You and I Both".
Unexpectedly, he sang "Lucky" solo. Their live versions of "If It Kills Me" and "Live High" were really good and much much better than the CD cover perhaps because of Toca Rivera's blending in. I'm as much a fan of Toca Rivera as I am with Jason actually, cause the guy is just sooo damn good on 2nd vocals.
Zoey, Kitty, Maj and I had a great time raising our hands up with every "good job" on "Dynamo of Volition" and danced as well to "Butterfly" and "Life is Wonderful"
Though I was a bit disappointed he didn't sing "Bella Luna", still, I swooned with "A Beautiful Mess". My, this song is just so beautiful!! And of course the evening wouldn't be complete without "I'm Yours" though I think I called it a night already the moment he sang "A Beautiful Mess"..sigh..
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Jason in Grammy's
-Song of The Year
-Best Male Pop Vocal Performance
-Best Engineered Album (Non-Classical)
But huff and alas, he didn't make it. huhu. Nevertheless, Jason's still a winner for me =D. The guy is just sooo cool!!! And I can't sit tight waiting for our Feb 23 date (big grin!) =D
I'm happy though that Adele bagged the "Best New Artist" and "Best Female Pop Vocal Performance" (for Chasing Pavements) awards. Truly love her Chasing Pavements song and vid! Couldn't wait to try out the steps myself..hahaha
Saturday, 14 February 2009
hearts' day
It sure is a freak day today here in Yokohama. It should be the dead of winter but it felt like the last days of Summer what with the 20degC temperature we had today. Kitty and I were walking around Minato Mirai wearing only short sleeves, with our coats in our hands.
I missed my winter! tsk tsk.
Quite a productive day today though, shoppingwise. Got mugged at Zara (yet again!) while Kitty was mugged at UCB haha! We were supposed to go ice skating but due to the vey hot weather, the ice rink turned to swimming pool. ~_~
Had a reaaaal nice lunch though at Salon de Nina (Paris) topped with the fruity flavored tea that you can't help but smile with satisfaction.
A nice valentines day..even though celebrated by a couple of singles..haha.
Saturday, 3 January 2009
I was feeling naughty again and walked out my door just as how Jeniffer Aniston sometimes appear in Friends..hehe..I had a jacket on anyway so it wouldn't be noticed. hehe.
Anyways, it felt good briskwalking around the neighborhood. The cold was just about right and I could feel myself warming up with the walk. In no time at all, I was in Maita Park, running towards the swings. Softly swinging to and fro, I read on with The Wedding...
One thing I realized though...When the holidays started, I immersed myself on love stories, be it book or movies. I felt that I need to do keep myself believing that true love can still happen; that it does keep myself from getting deluded, hardened, unbelieving in love. And it was effective, for a certain time at least.
After the rush of the New Year (from the party, shopping and all) and when I resumed with the movies I was watching and book I was reading, somehow its effect waned. Where before just days ago, I would be instantaneously touched and get teary eyed, I realized I have no warm feelings for romantic settings anymore... As I read on how Wilson described the surprise he prepared for his wife on their anniversary, I could only think of how big a fire hazard all those candles can be..and to think that he left all those candles burning without somebody inside the house!!
So there. I wonder where the romantic side of me went to as the new year came up.
I read on till I realized that I was already reading by the light of the streetlamp nearby. I then closed the book, played with the swing and basked in the twilight whilst staring at the blue gray sky. It was lovely! So lovely I had to force myself away from the swing since it was already getting very cold and my hands were getting chilled already - reminding me to wear gloves the next time I'd do this.
I briskedwalk to the market, confident that the fish stall I eyed earlier which sold shrimps (of just the right size for deep frying) was still open since it was just a quarter after five. But apparently since it was the holidays, they closed at 5. I settled myself on salmon anyhow and decided to buy tomorrow and since i'm going out my house tomorrow - again to enjoy the beautiful sunset.
I'm looking forward now to an evening reading Twilight, Book 1! =)
Thursday, 1 January 2009
greeting the new year with a smile
First off, we had fun popping off our party poppers (the closest thing to "fireworks" that we could get our hands on around here) after our countdown; thence raining confetti to each other. After Joey led the prayer, we then had a toast with our sparkling Apple Cider (it was soo yum!!). I had a big laugh as people really did raise their glasses to Gali's "To Ate Marj's lovelife!" hahahaha. But of course after that, we toasted to happiness, more bonuses, more shopping and travel! =)
After the media noche, people just settled down to watch movies. "Surf's Up" was real funny but I just wasn't in the mood to watch "PS I Love You" so I curled in bed beside Glo and Joey as the rest watched on. I wasn't able to sleep though as I had a nasty stomachache and was still wide awake even after the movie was finished and everybody else was already asleep. I stared at how the dim light from the bulb cast a dramatic effect to the colorful confetti left hanging on the beam. That, coupled with the soft, "mushy" music that Gali has left playing in his MacBook, it somehow made me anticipate of romantic moments yet to come...
What made me smile even wider though is caused by the apparent symphony of ...(tsada!)...snores within the room. Haha. Each one seem to make a different kind of sound and at different interval from the other that it seems like each snore has it's own personality. haha! I wonder how mine would sound..=P
I dont blame the "symphony" though for not being able to sleep as I've been in a room with people who snore real loud but still, I slept like a babe. As my stomachache abated, I reflected on the last year and looked forward to this year. And though a tear finds its way to my cheek every now and then as I had a runny nose cause it was just sooo very cold (I couldn't sniff as people might misunderstand and think I was crying! no siree! hehe), most of the time, I found myself smiling....
Was finally able to sleep at 5:30am (I started to try to sleep since 2:30am! haha) but had to wake up at 8 as most of us were getting ready to leave already. Caught an hour's nap at my place later on before showering and heading off for an afternoon of shopping and foraging of perfect cardigan/shawl and shoes to match the evening dresses I bought at Zara. And wouldn't have expected it but I was successful and finally found the right fits after weeks of searching..=P..Bought other stuff besides...
And what else to highlight a productive day but have a luxurious dinner at one of your favorite diner? Had a long dinner at Royal Host. Albeit alone, still, I had a great time enjoying the food, several cupfuls of matcha and plum tea whilst reading "The Wedding".
A productive day; one that's hopefully a harbinger to a productive year ahead.
Happy New 2009 everyone!!!