'Cause of the self-declared holiday incident last time, I now keep two alarm clocks - my cp by my side and my desk clock on my table.
As the desk clock rings at 6:30, I force myself to sit on my bed to turn it off, turn on the heater, turn on the tv, stare at the newscasters for a while and on the tv' digital clock that usually shows it's just 6:10AM, then i flop my head on my pillow again and burrow between my thick sheets as I try to keep the cold out. MMMMM! it's so good to sleep when it's cold...Sometimes, when I particularly dread going to the office, I'd flop back to my sheets with a groan and moan. At 6:30 (20 min after), my cp would ring to the tune of "First time" and I'd put it to snooze...snooze again when it rings after 10 min...and snooze again...usually on the 4th snooze, I force myself to get up as the song gets nauseating already..hehe..and the tv's getting loud already. Then i'd get up and stare at the tv again. Sometimes when the tv's digital clock says it's not 7 yet, I'd flop back on my bed again and try to catch some 5 min sleep.
Like a zombie, i'd start cooking my bento for lunch and if the dish would permit it, i'd snatch some 10-min sleep again. When the tv clock says 7:30 though, I have to hurry to take a bath so as to get to the office just in time. I could actually go to the office at 10 as flexy time's already applicable to us but old J habit makes me feel guilty to come to the office so late so I still take the effort to wake up early.
E-v-e-r-y-d-a-y, it's like this....sluggish sluggish...No sunshine anymore...:(
Monday, 23 April 2007
Sunday, 22 April 2007
My Abode
Having had seen the other accommodations, I couldn't really complain anymore with my dorm. Albeit lately, I've been considering it as like a beacon to me every time I go home and see it aglow in shades of brown and gold due to the lighting. It being new and pretty, one would just have to ignore the lack of cabinet and its apparent thin walls and partitions (i assume). You could actually hear talking and laughter at the other end of the wall, though you should have some powerful hearing aid to get to hear what they're talking about. But you could actually hear and sing along when some neighbor's belting her heart out. Which tells me to be careful in belting out, myself..hihihi...
This evening, I was cleaning my toilet (have separate bathroom and toilet) when I heard the sound of some trickling water. It sounds like someone urinating (pardon me) but it wasnt me and I thought it absurd if it's coming from the toilet directly above me - it sounded quite clear, you see. Then, much to my chagrin, I heard the flush of the toilet bowl above. Sniff sniff. With creased forehead, brows furrowed worryingly, I stared at the ceiling and imagined a horrifying scene of the ceiling caving in. Horrendous!!
This evening, I was cleaning my toilet (have separate bathroom and toilet) when I heard the sound of some trickling water. It sounds like someone urinating (pardon me) but it wasnt me and I thought it absurd if it's coming from the toilet directly above me - it sounded quite clear, you see. Then, much to my chagrin, I heard the flush of the toilet bowl above. Sniff sniff. With creased forehead, brows furrowed worryingly, I stared at the ceiling and imagined a horrifying scene of the ceiling caving in. Horrendous!!
Friday, 13 April 2007
Another first!
Had another first in Japan today! Had my tooth extracted just this evening.
I actually planned to have this 3rd molar for root canal last Wednesday but the dentist didn't recommend it as he said my 3rd molar was needless as I have no lower 3rd molar and hence I have no use for it in chewing food. Poor 3rd molar, no partner for life.....hehe..
He also recommended that it be done away with as it would only cause problems for my other teeth in the future. But as I wouldn't want to decide right there and then to have my tooth extracted, I asked for another appointment. After all, you couldnt bring back your tooth once it's extracted. Another appointment though means another expenses..Oh well.
My dentist was really quite nice actually. My heart aches for him as he really have difficulty with English; he talks to me in haltering, clipped and robotlike phrases. Sometimes he has to puff up his chest just to aid him in expressing what he wants to tell me. But kudos to him though!.He-was-really-very-patient with me. See, I have a quite low threshold for pain so I find myself raising my left hand every now and then to tell him that the operation's getting too painful for me to bear. He has to give me anesthesia twice as the first one wasn't quite effective for me. And much as I tried to control it, my tears continued to stream down my temples the whole duration of the extraction. The whole operation though just took 45 min but I feel like it was too long for comfort for me. We have to take a break every one or two pulls to regain my composure and to wipe away my tears (blush). I was soo weak-kneed after the operation and I was shaking all over - most probably from the fear..hehe. Being a true Japanese, my dentist took the trouble though to visit me (just before seeing his next patient) in the reception area, as I waited for my medicine to take home with me, to tell me to take care in going home as he can see that I was shaking.
He must have thought me weird though when I asked for my tooth to take home with me. Just an hour ago, I took a picture of it to show Mama during our chat and alas, it was the last picture that my 3-year-old camera made. For some reason, my camera just broke down...wahhhh!!..=(
Hmmmm...could it be my loose tooth's bad luck? Gotta get rid of it soon.
And yeah!! Martian just came back from Thailand and gave me a nice nice guy Thai doll!! the second male doll in my collection it is. The first was the cowboy Paige gave me last Christmas. Now, suddenly I missed those two cowboy dolls...
I actually planned to have this 3rd molar for root canal last Wednesday but the dentist didn't recommend it as he said my 3rd molar was needless as I have no lower 3rd molar and hence I have no use for it in chewing food. Poor 3rd molar, no partner for life.....hehe..
He also recommended that it be done away with as it would only cause problems for my other teeth in the future. But as I wouldn't want to decide right there and then to have my tooth extracted, I asked for another appointment. After all, you couldnt bring back your tooth once it's extracted. Another appointment though means another expenses..Oh well.
My dentist was really quite nice actually. My heart aches for him as he really have difficulty with English; he talks to me in haltering, clipped and robotlike phrases. Sometimes he has to puff up his chest just to aid him in expressing what he wants to tell me. But kudos to him though!.He-was-really-very-patient with me. See, I have a quite low threshold for pain so I find myself raising my left hand every now and then to tell him that the operation's getting too painful for me to bear. He has to give me anesthesia twice as the first one wasn't quite effective for me. And much as I tried to control it, my tears continued to stream down my temples the whole duration of the extraction. The whole operation though just took 45 min but I feel like it was too long for comfort for me. We have to take a break every one or two pulls to regain my composure and to wipe away my tears (blush). I was soo weak-kneed after the operation and I was shaking all over - most probably from the fear..hehe. Being a true Japanese, my dentist took the trouble though to visit me (just before seeing his next patient) in the reception area, as I waited for my medicine to take home with me, to tell me to take care in going home as he can see that I was shaking.
He must have thought me weird though when I asked for my tooth to take home with me. Just an hour ago, I took a picture of it to show Mama during our chat and alas, it was the last picture that my 3-year-old camera made. For some reason, my camera just broke down...wahhhh!!..=(
Hmmmm...could it be my loose tooth's bad luck? Gotta get rid of it soon.
And yeah!! Martian just came back from Thailand and gave me a nice nice guy Thai doll!! the second male doll in my collection it is. The first was the cowboy Paige gave me last Christmas. Now, suddenly I missed those two cowboy dolls...
Thursday, 12 April 2007
one more on repeat mode!
Waiting for Love
Was it something in the rain,
Or a chance of love again
That made me explain
The secrets of my soul
I guess I'm only needing
Someone to hold
But I was gone without a trace,
And the rain blew away...
And it seems I've spent my whole life
Waiting for love
And when it comes,
I always run away...
Was it something on a dream
That touch my memory
Or a picture I didn't know I've seen
That made me stop and stare
And then I lost him
If he was ever there
Cause I'm afraid of being close
But I need to be the most...
And it seems I've spent my whole life
Waiting for love
And when it comes,
I always run away...
Cause I'm afraid of being close
Where I need to be the most...
And it seems I've spent my whole life
Waiting for love
And when it comes,
I always run away...
And i'm afraid i'll spend my whole life
waiting for love
Till my last day
has come to run away
And it seems
i'll spend my whole life
waiting for love....................
Was it something in the rain,
Or a chance of love again
That made me explain
The secrets of my soul
I guess I'm only needing
Someone to hold
But I was gone without a trace,
And the rain blew away...
And it seems I've spent my whole life
Waiting for love
And when it comes,
I always run away...
Was it something on a dream
That touch my memory
Or a picture I didn't know I've seen
That made me stop and stare
And then I lost him
If he was ever there
Cause I'm afraid of being close
But I need to be the most...
And it seems I've spent my whole life
Waiting for love
And when it comes,
I always run away...
Cause I'm afraid of being close
Where I need to be the most...
And it seems I've spent my whole life
Waiting for love
And when it comes,
I always run away...
And i'm afraid i'll spend my whole life
waiting for love
Till my last day
has come to run away
And it seems
i'll spend my whole life
waiting for love....................
on repeat mode...
...in my player.
I have crossed a thousand bridges
in my search for something real.
There were great suspension bridges,
made like spiderwebs of steel.
There were tiny wooden trestles,
and there were bridges made of stone.
I have always been a stranger
and I've always been alone.
There's a bridge to tomorrow,
there's a bridge from the past.
There's a bridge made of sorrow
that I pray will not last.
There's a bridge made of colors
in the sky high above
and I think that there must be
bridges made out of love.
I can see him in the distance
on the river's other shore,
and his hands reach out in longing
as my own have done before.
And I call across to tell him
where I believe the bridge must lie,
and I'll find it,
yes, I'll find it,
if I search until I die.
When the bridge is between us,
we'll have nothing to fear.
We will run through the sunlight
and you'll meet me halfway.
There's a bridge made of colors
in the sky high above
and I'm certain that somewhere
there's a bridge made of love
I have crossed a thousand bridges
in my search for something real.
There were great suspension bridges,
made like spiderwebs of steel.
There were tiny wooden trestles,
and there were bridges made of stone.
I have always been a stranger
and I've always been alone.
There's a bridge to tomorrow,
there's a bridge from the past.
There's a bridge made of sorrow
that I pray will not last.
There's a bridge made of colors
in the sky high above
and I think that there must be
bridges made out of love.
I can see him in the distance
on the river's other shore,
and his hands reach out in longing
as my own have done before.
And I call across to tell him
where I believe the bridge must lie,
and I'll find it,
yes, I'll find it,
if I search until I die.
When the bridge is between us,
we'll have nothing to fear.
We will run through the sunlight
and you'll meet me halfway.
There's a bridge made of colors
in the sky high above
and I'm certain that somewhere
there's a bridge made of love
Saturday, 7 April 2007
MMmmmm..A nice, productive and peaceful day it was.
I first headed off to Zoff's at More's to buy a new pair of eyeglasses. The one i bought just before going to Japan was too narrow for comfort; straining my eyes more rather than protecting my eyesight. So now I got me-self a new wide-view glasses that's just perfect for my quite-larger-than-usual eyes, hehehe..Good thing a jap colleague knows this affordable optical shop so it's still within my budget limits. Was glad too for the kinda-different experience to have my eyes tested here in Japan.
As it would only take about an hour to wait for my glasses, I walked around Yokohama while I waited. I got my second "first-time" for the day in Takashimaya as the Clinique lady made me up. At first I held my breath as she applied rouge on my lips till (I believe) I almost turned blue...hahaha..Man, getting made up by a flawless lady makes one really self-conscious...hehehe..Anyways, thanks Vanz, Sugar Bean was really pretty! Got myself one already..=)
I then headed off to Negishi-Shinrin Park for a late lunch under the sakura. So there I was, with a bento box on my knees and snuggled on my pretty-100 yen-Tinker bell picnic mat, sprawled on the ground that was lightly matted with fallen sakura in the midst of the sakura trees. I passed the next couple of hours reading with my back against the sakura tree. It was lovely to see the cherry blossoms as they fell and blown away by the wind; 'twas like seeing pink snowflakes. Lovely.
I was actually hesitant to go and spend the afternoon alone in Negishi knowing that there'd be lots of people around; laughing with their own groups. I was a bit afraid that i'd feel lonely and instead of passing a peaceful afternoon, I'd pass the rest of the day depressed. But my worries were unfounded as I later realized. On my little nook at the brow of the hill, I gazed about me as the sakura fell. And despite all the troubles that kept on bugging me lately, I was at peace, so at ease and very much contented. A thought crossed my mind. If parallelism could have it's way, then maybe, I shouldn't be too afraid of spending the rest of my life alone. Maybe, just maybe, the one thing im so afraid of would turn out to be peaceful and heavenly after all......
...my little peace of heaven today...
I first headed off to Zoff's at More's to buy a new pair of eyeglasses. The one i bought just before going to Japan was too narrow for comfort; straining my eyes more rather than protecting my eyesight. So now I got me-self a new wide-view glasses that's just perfect for my quite-larger-than-usual eyes, hehehe..Good thing a jap colleague knows this affordable optical shop so it's still within my budget limits. Was glad too for the kinda-different experience to have my eyes tested here in Japan.
As it would only take about an hour to wait for my glasses, I walked around Yokohama while I waited. I got my second "first-time" for the day in Takashimaya as the Clinique lady made me up. At first I held my breath as she applied rouge on my lips till (I believe) I almost turned blue...hahaha..Man, getting made up by a flawless lady makes one really self-conscious...hehehe..Anyways, thanks Vanz, Sugar Bean was really pretty! Got myself one already..=)
I then headed off to Negishi-Shinrin Park for a late lunch under the sakura. So there I was, with a bento box on my knees and snuggled on my pretty-100 yen-Tinker bell picnic mat, sprawled on the ground that was lightly matted with fallen sakura in the midst of the sakura trees. I passed the next couple of hours reading with my back against the sakura tree. It was lovely to see the cherry blossoms as they fell and blown away by the wind; 'twas like seeing pink snowflakes. Lovely.
I was actually hesitant to go and spend the afternoon alone in Negishi knowing that there'd be lots of people around; laughing with their own groups. I was a bit afraid that i'd feel lonely and instead of passing a peaceful afternoon, I'd pass the rest of the day depressed. But my worries were unfounded as I later realized. On my little nook at the brow of the hill, I gazed about me as the sakura fell. And despite all the troubles that kept on bugging me lately, I was at peace, so at ease and very much contented. A thought crossed my mind. If parallelism could have it's way, then maybe, I shouldn't be too afraid of spending the rest of my life alone. Maybe, just maybe, the one thing im so afraid of would turn out to be peaceful and heavenly after all......
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